Circus Maximus Wheelchair Accessible Tours Rome Day Trip
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Circus Maximus Wheelchair Accessible Tours
The Circus Maximus wheelchair accessible tours, is one of the most famous and grandiose monuments of Rome.
It is located between the Aventine Hill and the Palatine Hill and was built for horse racing.
In the valley the mythical kidnapping of the Sabines would have taken place, on the occasion of the games organized by Romulus in honor of the God Consus.
Its strategic position, a flat area near the Tiber River, made it a favorable place for commercial activities and other mercantile and exchange activities with other populations.
Not only that, ritual and socializing activities could also be found, such as games and competitions.
Is 600 meters long and 140 wide, made it the largest structure built by man for performances.
Touring Circus Maximus
Main function was to host the famous and hugely popular Roman Games ( Ludi Romani ) once a year.
They were the oldest games in the city and were held every year from 12 to 14 September, later extended to the dates 5-19, in honor of the Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus.
Games were organized by Roman magistrates ( curule aediles ) and included horse races, fights between gladiators and animals, theatrical performances, military parades, races and more.
Today, the famous track is covered in grass, and there is very little left to see.
Following archaeological excavations, the track became a public park in 2016, a great place to rest after visiting the tourist sites in the area.
Booking & Travel
Circus Maximus wheelchair accessible tours unmissable visit at it with our Rome Accessible Tours. Specifically tailored to wheelchair users, reduced mobility persons with an adapted transport.
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