Palestrina Wheelchair Rome Accessible Tours
Palestrina Wheelchair Rome Accessible Tours

Thanks to its proximity to Rome, Palestrina is one of the most popular and popular tourist-cultural destinations in the area.




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Palestrina Wheelchair Accessible Tours Rome Day Trip

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Palestrina Wheelchair Accessible Tours

Palestrina wheelchair accessible tours, is a charming town in the province of Rome and represents one of those centers on the metropolitan outskirts of the capital to visit to appreciate the landscape, art, monuments and history that small towns can tell.

It is located in the South East area of Rome, at the foot of the Prenestini Mountains and in the territory identified as the Roman countryside.

It is considered a real medieval-style jewel where you can spend a very special day, discovering continuous architectural beauties, but also local traditions, typical food made with a "poor" but tasty cuisine, up to the museums, religious buildings and all crafts.

Palestrina is rich in history starting from the most ancient times up to the world wars and that's why you immediately found yourselves faced with the embarrassment of choice to decide what to see in Palestrina, even if, when you are nearby, you can already admire the astonishing panorama of this city, which lies on a natural promontory which corresponds to Monte Ginestro.

Touring Castelli Romani

Its position on a sort of natural amphitheater probably allowed the construction in the Hellenistic age of one of its most important monuments which is the Temple of the Goddess Fortuna Primigenia.

It is also identified with the name of Sanctuary of Fortuna Primigenia, the woman who according to mythology was the mother of Jupiter and Juno.

It was built in the II century BC and is one of the most important monuments that can be found in the Latium region of the Republican age.

It represents a perfect architectural fusion between the Hellenistic style and Roman art.

Furthermore, observing the monument from below, one notices how it adapts perfectly to the shape of the town and how it represents a concentric point of the art that has remained as a testimony over the centuries.

The Sanctuary of the Goddess Fortuna Primigenia also represents a sign of polytheistic belief in Roman times and a point of reference for the entire area in the ancient world.

Of the semicircular colonnade only 3 columns remain today, which was accessed via a first staircase and then some steps that opened out like a fan and at the foot of which there is still a well today.

It should be noted that inside the National Archaeological Museum of Palestine there is a unique find of its kind which is the Mosaic of the Nile or Nilotic Mosaic, considered an admirably preserved artistic excellence of the Hellenistic age.

Booking & Travel

Palestrina wheelchair accessible tours unmissable visit at it with our Rome Accessible Tours. Specifically tailored to wheelchair users, reduced mobility persons with an adapted transport.

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